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If you’re a senior currently considering your future, you may already have an Advance Care Plan in place. If not, then now is the time to start thinking about it! Here are some essential things that your advance care plan should include:

Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare

This is an essential component of advance care planning, as it makes your preferences clear if you are unable to communicate with your doctor. A Living Will can spell out what types of medical care you would like to receive (or not receive). If you became critically ill or injured, were deemed mentally incompetent to make decisions, or were put in a coma, a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare allows you to appoint someone as your healthcare proxy.

Do Not Resuscitate Order

A Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR) directive tells doctors, law enforcement, or emergency medical personnel not to attempt CPR or artificial ventilation if your heart stops beating or you stop breathing. A DNR allows you to avoid what can be painful and invasive life-saving measures when there are no hopes of recovery. However, it is essential to note that a DNR only applies when you are in critical condition and unconscious; it does not use in case your heart or breathing stops when you are conscious or semi-conscious.

Organ Donation

Organ donation is an incredibly generous gift to offer others in need, but many people never get around to signing up for their state’s organ donor registry. If you want your organs donated after your death, make sure you get on the registry and update your status if it changes!

Life Insurance

If you have a spouse, partner, or family who depends on your income, life insurance is essential in planning for their future. If you’re worried about what they will do if your income suddenly stops, then it is worth considering setting up a life insurance policy before it’s too late!


If you’re a senior in need of an advance care plan, then now is the time to start prioritizing your future needs and making sure that your wishes are clearly stated before it’s too late! The above tips should serve as a good starting point in creating your plan.